Planning and Immigration

By Haila Maze, AICP, Bolton & Menk, Inc.

With the important exception of indigenous people, most United States residents today can trace their origins back to other nations. Despite this, immigration remains a controversial topic in many communities. This article will provide a brief history of immigration in the US, an assessment of its impacts, and suggestions on how planners can address current concerns.

History of Immigration

Immigration typically is motivated by both push (reasons to leave) and pull (reasons to come) factors. Since the original European settlement of the land that was to become the United States, there have been several major waves of immigration. The actual number of immigrants by year has ebbed and flowed during this time, in response to policies and restrictions governing immigration into the country, as well as events and conditions elsewhere in the world that precipitated immigration. Currently, over 8 percent of Minnesota, 5 percent of North Dakota, and 4 percent South Dakota residents are foreign born. Nationally, around 13 percent of residents are foreign born.

The relationship between planning and immigration began early. As industrialization and the inflow of immigrant workers and their families fueled rapid growth of cities, planners responded to public health and safety needs regarding access to improved living and working conditions. This has continued, with some changes in response to the unique needs of each time.


Source: US Census Bureau


The impact of immigration on the United States has been immeasurable. In today’s perspective, there are many ways in which it contributes to society. Populating and repopulating areas. Like many developed nations, the native born birth rate in the United States has declined. Immigrants replenish the population with younger people.

Filling job vacancies. Likewise, immigrant workers have come to play an important role in the workforce, as the native born one ages.

Revitalizing retail and services. Immigrants are on average more entrepreneurial as well. This fuels growth of business and industry, especially small scale and startup enterprises.

Making unique places. Immigrants from other cultural backgrounds can bring unique food, art, music, and other cultural distinctives that make places interesting and distinct.

Diversity of insights and perspectives. In an era of rapid change, diversity is a strength. New approaches and ideas help to fuel creative solutions.


Source: New American Economy, 2018 data

What Can Planners Do to Help?

Despite the benefits associated with immigrant populations, many communities have expressed concerns about the nation’s ability to accept and assimilate immigrants. The following covers some of the issues facing communities related to immigration, and how planners can help with a proactive and constructive response.

Issue #1: Learning Curve

With people moving to the country, there is often a basic unfamiliarity with how things are done here. The ways of government, culture, society, and work may be significantly different where they come from. Information overload, balancing multiple priorities, and language barriers can add to the challenge.

Planners can assist with education and outreach to connect, inform, and include people in public processes. It may also be a reason to simplify rules and regulations, increase transparency of public processes, and work with liaisons and partners to make connections. These improvements can benefit not only new immigrant populations, but also many others who may be less familiar with these topics.

Issue #2: Cultural Distinctives

Another area of concern with immigrants may be cultural distinctives. Each culture brings its own practices with regards to food and drink, recreation, religion, business practices, dress, living arrangements, and social interactions.

Planners can assist by educating themselves and others on cultural differences of which they may be unaware. This can provide insight as to how regulations and practices might have unforeseen consequences and need to be adjusted to better accommodate newcomers – or on the other hand, how immigrants may need to be educated about these issues. Planners can also encourage recognition and even celebration of positive differences that bring value, interest, and variety to the community.

Issue #3: Assistance Needed

Probably the most challenging issue is that immigrants arrive in this country somewhat under duress. They may be refugees from conflict, or just seeking a better life than is available in their place of origin. As a result, they may need at least some initial assistance from the government or nonprofits to meet their basic needs before they are able to be fully self-sufficient.

Planners can provide referrals for needed programs and services, support affordable housing options, promote workforce development strategies, and even help to hire diverse workers and partners. It is important to acknowledge that solutions here can span the full political spectrum – both helping people in need through assistance and empowering those who have a desire to work to succeed here.

This article was provided by Bolton & Menk, Inc., one of ASCE-MN’s sponsors. To see other benefits of becoming a sponsor, visit or email

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